martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

Repulsive Dissection - Murder - Suicide - Ep - 2008

1.Genetically Deranged
2.Distorted Existence
3.Human Content

Technical Brutal Death Metal
Lyrical theme(s)
Human nature, religion, mental disturbance
Origin Formed in Current label Status
Ukraine (Kyyiv) 2005 Unsigned
Current line-up
Tom Bradfield - Vocals (Beef Conspiracy, Infected Disarray, Twitch of the Death Nerve)
Yura Kowalchuk - Guitar (Metastasis)
Victor Prokofjevs - Bass (Bludgeon (UK))
Fredrik Widigs - Drums/Percussion, Drum Programming (Soils of Fate, MP5K, Angrepp , \Facing Death (Swe), Vomitous (Swe))
Additional notes
Although the project is based in Ukraine, only Yura resides in Ukraine. Victor lives in Japan and is originally Latvian, Fredrik is Swedish, and Tom is from England.



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